Various patents according to the Claas forage harvesters

Below is a list of excerpts from Claas patents relating to the subject of "choppers".

Note: The decisive factor for a patent is always the "claims", as specifically what exactly the applicant claims as his invention!


 In this application, the knife attachment of the new "V-Flex" cutting cylinder is claimed:


This application describes the principle of the "RU" corn header:


This registration concerns the successor model of the "RU", the "Orbis":


Here is an application for a modular frame extension to accommodate a rowtrack:


 In combination with the row-trac, this application is about being able to remove a "conditioning element" (the corn-cracker) above the tracs sidewards out of the machine:


Below is the registration of a forage harvester that can rotate its driver's cab by 180° for road travel:


A registration regarding yield and moisture measurement during ongoing chopping operation: